Craft Your Legacy
Truth Drops are impactful messages, distilled, and artfully captured as short-form video.
No cuts. No colour. No gimmicks.
Just truth and essence.
Facesoul | Musical Artist [1.43min]
Embracing the success of others helps you shine your brightest.Elana Meta | Relationship Coach [1.40min]
Brave enough to find out?Tom Slater | Facilitator [1min]
Which would you rather be?
Lindsay Briner | Executive Coach [1.24min]
The truth behind what is actually holding you back.Bry Sarté | CEO & Founder [2.14min]
How will history judge your choices?Nassim Haramein | Physicist [1.16min]
What if overcoming our separateness held the key to transcending all limits?
Ian Edwards | Prison Guard [1min]
Ever wondered what life is like for a prison guard?
Pierre Menu | Entrepreneur [2mins]
Inside a prison cell, during a dark moment, one man found his light.
Marshall Davis Jones | Vocal Coach [46sec]
Courage lives not in power, but in our ability to rise above fear for the sake of others.Cal Amir | Speaker [1.41min]
How stepping into the unknown can change everything you’ve ever known.
Cameron Shayne | Philospoher [1.14min]
When your actions finally catch up to your words—true freedom begins.Chisa Miller | Leadership Trainer [54sec]
Discover unexpected secrets to resilience—from someone who knows a lot about it.Whitney Johnson | Author [1.45min]
Transform boredom into breakthroughs and create a culture where disruption thrives.